Professional non-warranty Gaming Console repair services UK wide. …specialised in Sony ps4 CUH-10xxA Gaming Console repair service … Almost all of our “CUH-10xxA Unknown Repair Nottingham” service is processed within 2-5 working days while also offering express repairs.
CUH-10xxA Unknown Repair Nottingham
Electronic Partners provide professional non-warranty Gaming Console repair services nationwide for all brands and models such as Sony ps4 CUH-10xxA. We also offer repair services for any Phone, Tablet, Laptop, Gaming Console, Audio/Hifi, PCB Board and Industrial Equipment. Consequently specialised in non-warranty Sony ps4 Gaming Console repair service, regardless of where it was purchased. In addition, all our technicians are certified and have the expertise to help with any Sony ps4 CUH-10xxA Unknown repair and other Gaming Console repairs quickly. Almost all of our “CUH-10xxA Unknown Repair Nottingham” service is processed within 2-5 working days while also offering an express Gaming Console repair service.
Sony ps4 CUH-10xxA Unknown Repair Nottingham
Date :
City :
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
Device :
Sony ps4 CUH-10xxA
Category :
Gaming Console Unknown Repair Nottingham – Gaming Console Service Nottinghamshire
Problem :
Whenever I turn my ps4 on the light bar constantly flashes blue and there is no video or audio output on the TV. At first i was lead to belive this was the BLOD. However my ps4 doesnt turn off and remains to stay on. I hardy ever move my ps4 so the hdmi port was not the issue nor was the power cable. I originally took my into IPC Nottingham to get it repaired, the man told me that the problem was a failed graphics card. After a day and half i rang up IPC and they told me that they couldnt get a hold of a graphics card, so i had to collect my broken ps4 from them still in the same condition. Apparently the heat had caused some solder to mealt onto the graphics card. My ps4 broke while i was half way through watching an ep of the walking dead on amazon. So i can only assume the problem was internal. Could you guys help? If so do you guys have graphics cards in stock? How much would it cost? How long would it take? Thank you for taking your time to read this by the way. I really appreciate it.
Free Prepaid Shipping Label For Our Gaming Console Service Nottinghamshire
A free prepaid drop-off label is provided and no prepayment for the Gaming Console repair is required. Whether your Sony ps4 CUH-10xxA developed some problems or is not working at all, we’re here to help. Therefore, in conclusion, there is no reason to buy a new Gaming Console especially if you can get a Gaming Console Unknown repair or upgrade of your current Sony ps4 Gaming Console at a fraction of the cost of purchasing it new. Above, one of our most recent service “CUH-10xxA Unknown Repair Nottingham”.
We offer a simple process for all Sony ps4 CUH-10xxA Gaming Console repairs.
Most Recent CUH-10xxA Unknown Repair and other Electronic Repairs UK
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