Recycle Electronic

  • recycle

  • Got a small electrical that’s lost its spark?

    Have you got any small electrical items lying around that are broken or just a bit past their prime?

    Whether it’s old mobile phones in a drawer, kids’ toys in a cupboard, old power tools cluttering up your garage or a broken kettle or toaster gathering dust in your loft, sometimes it’s hard to part with things that seem too valuable to throw away.

    The good news is they don’t have to go to waste, because you can recycle them!

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  • Register Sale

    Fill out the sales form, it takes less than 5 minutes to complete and recycle electronic.

  • Pack Parcel

    Once you have entered all your details, simply pack you gadget securely.

  • Post Gadget

    We collect the parcel within 48 hours from your desired location alternatively you can use our collection points.

  • Receive Payment

    You can select how you want to get paid from cheque to bank transfer or Paypal.