10 security tips everyone can use for a safer internet every day

Staying safe online is one of those things you wish you didn’t have to think about. Much like home insurance, your next check-up at the dentist and other necessities which we’d all rather do without.

Convenience is what you want, not hassle. However, the answer (to all these things, in fact) isn’t to ignore them but to deal with them.

When it comes to internet security, prevention is always better than cure. And we’re not just talking about antivirus, either. We’re willing to bet that you don’t use a unique, hard-to-guess password for each and every online account. And if you do still use the same password you use for every website, it only takes one of those to get hacked to give hackers access to all your online accounts. Imagine what they could do if they were able to log on to your Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter and even your bank accounts.

But like the simple act of installing an antivirus app, a password manager will take care of remembering all your logins so you don’t have to.

As it’s Safer Internet Day, here are 10 useful tips that you can use to avoid scams and thwart hackers – plus keep your whole family safe.

1. Use a password manager

Their beauty is that they store all your logins (safely encrypted) and will automatically enter them when they’re needed, such as when you have to log onto your Amazon account, or log into an app. All you need to do is remember one password to get into the password manager

2. Don’t click on links without checking them first

Received an email, WhatsApp or text message with a link in it? Even if it’s from someone you trust, don’t click it until you know it’s safe. Friends’ accounts can be hacked, but they can also be duped into forwarding links to fraudulent websites. If in doubt, type the website’s address in manually or search for it in Google.

10 security tips everyone can use for a safer internet every day

3. Don’t open suspicious email attachments

If you get an attachment you weren’t expecting, avoid opening it. Especially avoid opening those which end in .exe, but just about all types of attachments can be malicious, even JPG photos.

4. Run good antivirus software

You can’t hope to stop all these nasty things by being vigilant. Make sure you use effective security software which will watch your back. And run it on all your devices, including Android phones. This should also protect your files from being encrypted by ransomware.

You don’t even need to pay: there’s good free antivirus software available these days.

Safer Internet Day

5. Use a VPN

You might know little to nothing about VPNs, but you should use one whenever you’re on public Wi-Fi. Admittedly, that happens a lot less these days, but whether you’re in a café, airport, shopping mall or especially when in a hotel, connect to your VPN to keep your internet activity private, particularly sensitive data such as logins and payment details.

10 security tips everyone can use for a safer internet every day

6. Protect your identity

Hackers don’t create viruses just to mess up your computer. They want money, and one way to get it is to steal your identity. That’s why it’s crucial to be able to spot a fake website. There are so many scam emails which lure you in by promising tax refunds (or something similar) and then send you to a real-looking website which asks for all your details in order to pay you the money. Once you’ve handed over your identity like this, criminals can open credit accounts in your name and do all sorts of things.

Use an ID monitoring service (or visit HaveIBeenPwnd.com ) to alert you if your email addresses and other details have been exposed in any hacks. That way you can change you password quickly: breaches are often reported months after they happen, by which time it can be too late to prevent disaster.

7. Use two-step authentication

An extra way to protect your accounts even if your login details do get hacked and leaked online is to use two-factor authentication. Your bank forces you to do it, and many apps and websites offer it, but don’t make it mandatory.

It’s not as convenient having to wait for a code to be sent to your phone after you’ve entered your email address and password, but it means anyone who manages to get hold of your email address and password still won’t be able to get into your account without that second step of verification.

8. Keep your kids safe

A safer internet isn’t only about stopping viruses and having good password hygiene. If you have kids, you should also take steps to defend them from things like grooming, online bullying and more. Use their devices’ built-in parental controls – or a parental control app – to restrict what they can see online and make sure you understand the implications of them using TikTok, Instagram and other social media. Lock down their accounts so only their friends can message them and see what they post. The best policy is to talk to your kids, explain the dangers and why you need to restrict their access. When they understand the risks and dangers, they’ll be more willing to comply and less likely to put themselves in danger.

9. Lock down your own social media and don’t overshare

Facebook and other services are doing a better job these days of making you aware of your privacy settings, but you should check them and make sure you know who can see what you’re posting. It’s a bad idea to post photos of you jetting off to sunnier climes (I know, not something you’re thinking of right now) and revealing that your home is empty. Similarly, if you’re sharing payment details or passwords with friends, do it using an end-to-end encrypted service such as WhatsApp, not via email or SMS.

Safer Internet Day

10. Keep everything up to date

Modern devices do a lot of the heavy lifting, automatically installing app updates and other things. But don’t ignore messages asking you to update to the latest version of Windows or any other operating system.

Updates often fix security holes and ignoring the nagging messages to update your devices and software is the security equivalent of burying your head in the sand.

These 10 tips just scratch the surface of online security, so if you’re keen to know more, here are some other articles that should prove useful. And if these tips helped you, share them with your friends.


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