Asus ZenWatch Manager Gets A Huge v2.0 Update With More Than A Dozen New Watch Faces, Revamped UI, And More [APK Download]

The Asus ZenWatch 2 is going to be shipping in a few days, and the company has updated the ZenWatch Manager app to get ready. The new version is basically a completely new app. The interface, features, and selection of watch faces have been completely revamped. This update boosts the number of available watch faces to a total of 50 and adds new options to almost all of them. Yes, there are 50 customizable watch faces for the ZenWatches now.

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Here’s the full changelog for the updated app.

The interface for picking a watch face is much easier to use in the new version of the app. You don’t have to scroll down a single giant list to make changes anymore. There’s a preview of your watch face at the top of the app, along with links to customize and change the theme. There’s a suggested and popular watch face section right below, but you can open the full list as well.

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There were 30-some watch faces before, so this is a big jump. Fifty watch faces are a lot to scroll through on the watch, though. Almost all of Asus‘ designs have optional widgets for things like weather, steps, and battery level. What’s particularly cool about the new update is that the layout and position of these widgets changes depending on how many you enable. Most faces are limited to three widgets, but a few can do more. The widgets are also interactive now, taking advantage of the latest Wear updates. So, for instance, you can tap on the date to open your calendar for the day.

The update is still rolling out in the Play Store, but you can grab it from APK Mirror right now. It will take a few minutes for all the changes to sync over to the watch, during which time connectivity will be flaky. Some screens of the old app are below for comparison.

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The old app

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