Bethesda Releases The Pip-Boy Fallout 4 Companion App For Android

CHOO CHOO! That’s the Fallout 4 hype train pulling into the station. We’re now less than a week away from the return of everyone’s favorite post-apocalyptic RPG. If you’ve been looking longingly at your empty limited edition Pip-Boy wrist accessory, the app that makes it into a “real” Pip-Boy is finally here. For everyone else, it’s still a cool second-screen experience.

This app runs on your phone or tablet to basically turn it into a Pip-Boy from the game—a collection of all your character’s stats, perks, quests, maps, and more. The UI is done up in the typical Fallout green on black style, and there’s a sample minigame. You’ll find more of those in the wasteland too. The functionality is the same whether or not you have the plastic Pip-Boy replica.



When you open the app, it has you choose either full screen or hardware mode. The hardware mode lets you resize the display area to fit in the limited edition Pip-Boy harness. The app doesn’t do much right now as you can’t connect it to the game, but there is a demo mode to play around with. The app is free, of course, but the game is very not-free.

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