[Copy All The Things!] You Can Now Copy Changelogs And App Descriptions Using Android Play Store App

Earlier today, Kirill Grouchnikov, the face behind the Play Store Android app, detailed a set of relatively substantial design tweaks and RTL language support destined for an upcoming update. Unfortunately, the APK uploaded to APK Mirror shortly after did not seem to have the majority of these changes live just yet, but Kirill, who also announced his departure from the Google Play team, managed to sneak in one last parting gift.

And it’s the best gift he could have possibly given us. Or at least me, considering I copy changelogs all day long for APKMirror.com. I think I now owe him 100 beautiful white roses.

That’s right, I’m talking about the ability to copy text from app descriptions and changelogs. No longer will I need to visit the mobile Play Store site, pull out my laptop, or type up changelogs by hand. Forget design tweaks – this is a real tangible feature I can instantly utilize on a daily basis. And so can many of you who already contribute to APK Mirror but previously frequently omitted changelogs because they were such a pain in the rear to copy. Observe:

Screenshot_20151015-171710 Screenshot_20151015-165707


As usual, you can grab the Play Store 5.10.29 update from APK Mirror and start practicing copying and pasting some changelogs in case another lengthy gem hits soon.

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