[Deal Alert] Refurbished Sony Smartwatch 3 $99 On eBay

The first gen Android Wear devices are getting a little long in the tooth, but in the electronics world, with age comes a dramatic drop in price. The smartwatch I have worn daily for the past 9 months is the Sony Smartwatch 3, and I have to say, I don’t really feel any need to replace it.

The watch has great battery life, WiFi, GPS, and while the transflective display isn’t the prettiest, it sure is functional for outdoor use. The water resistance and silicone band keep me from worrying about damaging it while working in the hospital and MicroUSB charging makes it the easiest Android Wear device to top off when out of the house. On top of all that the watch is just plain comfortable.

I paid $250 for mine last December, and I don’t regret the purchase at all. Now, you can pick up a refurbished SW3 for a fraction of that price on eBay, for only $99. Between this bargain, and the price drop on the first gen Moto 360 that we posted earlier this month, there has never been a better time for the frugal tech addict to finally jump on the Android Wear wagon.

The SW3 ships free from Texas and is backed by a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. As is always the case with these eBay deals, there are limited quantities available, so make up your mind quick.

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