[Deal Alert] Unlocked BlackBerry Priv On Sale For $379.99 Via eBay

BlackBerry launched the Priv late last year at the stratospheric price of $700. It’s not an unheard of price for a flagship phone, but the first Android phone from a struggling OEM? Maybe not the best idea. The Priv has been showing up on mega-discount lately, and today it’s on sale for the lowest price yet. You can pick a new unlocked Priv up from eBay for $379.99.

2016-05-02 15_00_22-New Blackberry Priv STV100 1 32GB 4G LTE GSM at T Black Unlocked Smartphone _ eB

This listing is for the ATT variant of the phone, but it’s unlocked. It has all the LTE bands you could need (including B12 for T-Mobile), but the 3G bands are best suited for ATT and similar carriers. It will work on any GSM/LTE network, though. Other than being unlocked, this is the same phone you can buy right now from ATT for $640. It’s really your only option if you want a modern Android phone with a keyboard.

As usual, economy shipping is free in the US. The seller will ship to a few other countries if you want, but it’ll cost you. Tax is required only in California.

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