Denied Warranty for Electronic Devices: Know Your Rights


Warranties are supposed to offer peace of mind, guaranteeing that if your electronic device fails or breaks, the manufacturer will repair or replace it at no extra cost. However, many find themselves in a battle over denied warranties, encountering resistance from companies that should be honouring their commitments. This article aims to shed light on the issue and guide you through your rights and options when faced with a denied warranty. The piece will also provide ongoing updates from my personal experience with a Samsung flip phone, illustrating the hurdles and possible outcomes in these situations.

  • My Story: A Samsung Flip Phone Saga

    After escalating my denied warranty case to the Small Claims Court, Samsung sent me an official letter. In it, they offered a free repair for my flip phone, reimbursement for the £70 court fee, and an additional £100 as a “gesture of goodwill.” However, they demanded confidentiality as part of the settlement offer.

    Given this restriction, I’ve decided not to accept the offer and will proceed with the court case. My aim is to shed light on these unfair practices, and hopefully inspire others to take similar action. I’ll update this article as the case progresses.

  • samsung flip faulty screen

  • samsung offer

  • Text of the Offer

    Samsung’s offer is as follows:

    1. In consideration for you agreeing to settle the claim, within 14 days of receipt of your signed acceptance of this offer, Samsung will collect the Phone at your residential address.
    2. Subject to Samsung collecting the Phone, Samsung will provide a free-of-charge repair to the Phone and return it to you at your residential address.
    3. In addition to the free-of-charge repair to the Phone, Samsung will pay to you the sum of £170, which is comprised of the £70 court issue fee and £100 as a gesture of goodwill.
    4. Payment of the settlement sum is conditional on you providing us with details of the bank account the payment is to be made to.
    5. This offer is made in full and final settlement of the Claim and the underlying facts relating to the subject matter of the Claim.
    6. By making this offer, Samsung does not admit any liability or wrongdoing in relation to the Claim.
    7. You agree to keep confidential and will not disclose through word of mouth or any form or means of communication to any person or persons the terms of this offer.
  • Trustpilot Reviews: A Pattern of Negligence

    Consumer experiences speak volumes about how a company treats its customers. Trustpilot ratings for several electronic device manufacturers indicate a widespread problem concerning warranties and customer service:

    These figures are concerning, especially when you consider that these are companies with extensive marketing campaigns that claim to be industry leaders. This suggests that the focus is more on sales than on customer satisfaction and post-sales support.

    Small Claims Court as a Solution

    When warranty claims are unjustly denied, consumers are not without options. One effective recourse is to take the matter to the Small Claims Court. In the UK, the process can be initiated online, and although there’s an upfront cost of £70, it’s usually reimbursed if you win the case.

    For more information or to start a claim, you can visit the UK government’s Money Claims site: Money Claims Online.

  • small claim procedure

Other Alternative Solutions

If pursuing a legal route isn’t appealing, other alternatives include escalating the issue within the company’s customer service department, contacting consumer protection organisations, or spreading awareness through social media. Each method has its pros and cons, but all aim to pressure the company into honouring its warranty obligations.


Denied warranties are a frustrating but all-too-common experience for consumers of electronic devices. Armed with the right information and a commitment to fight back, you can navigate the system and have a fair chance at justice. Always remember to scrutinise the warranty terms, document every interaction with customer support, and don’t be afraid to exercise your legal rights.


  • Is taking the case to Small Claims Court worth it?
    Generally, yes. The £70 fee can often be recouped, and you stand a good chance of getting your issue resolved.
  • Do Trustpilot reviews reflect the actual state of a company’s customer service?
    While not definitive, Trustpilot reviews can offer valuable insights into common issues faced by consumers.
  • What are the alternative methods if I don’t want to go to court?
    Escalating within the company, contacting consumer protection agencies, and public awareness campaigns are other options.
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