Google Releases Fiber App For Managing Accounts, Configuring Wi-Fi, Checking Speeds, And More

Account management apps aren’t the most exciting pieces of software. Reading about one is liable to be even less interesting when you can’t even get the service in your area. I understand. Having to write about Google Fiber when I can’t get it doesn’t feel much better.

But those of you in Fiber cities deserve coverage too. And I’ll be honest, I do prefer this to writing about more programs that are only available in San Francisco.

Google has released a Fiber app that lets you manage your account, set up Wi-Fi, check speeds, and pay your bill. There’s also an included help section in case you run into trouble. This app follows a previous release that handled Fiber TV.

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What’s really notable here is the design. Carrier apps are hardly the most visually pleasing pieces of software to run on our phones. There are exceptions, such as the app Ting customers use to help them stay within their tiers. Google’s Project Fi app is, unsurprisingly, a looker as well.

Fiber now has that kind of app. Now if only more of us could have Fiber.

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