LG V10 Phone Test Video Shows People Having More Fun Than You’ve Ever Seen Anyone Have On A Slip N Slide Using A Lawn Mower

Unless, that is, you and your friends strap yourselves to lawn mowers and sling each other around on wet surfaces often. In that case, maybe you have seen people have this much fun in this manner. But for most of us, this LG V10 video is giving us a first.

The point of this recording is to show off what the upcoming LG V10’s camera can do. This video was filmed in 4K. You will have to watch the content on a device with a high enough resolution to take full advantage of the quality. These 1080p screenshots taken on a Nexus 5 hardly convey the full experience.

Note: The creators used a third-party stabilizer mount that costs $800. This video also spent time in Adobe Premiere, receiving unspecified edits. You’re not going to get these results whipping the phone out of the box and posting a recording immediately online.


The V10 is using a 16MP rear-facing camera to make the magic happen. This draws attention away from the front of the device, where a secondary display otherwise captures much of our interest. LG says this extra screen space, used entirely to show notifications, removes some of the distractions while you’re enjoying full-screen content.

We’ll have to see how this pans out, since those alerts are still directly adjacent to that video of attractive young people dragging each other around a slip n slide using a lawn mower that you’re watching.

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