
Back in May of this year we reported on the imminent expansion of Android TV apps promised by Google, including an app for HBO GO. The timeline for its release was originally “sometime this summer”. Looking out my window at the sodden mess of wet, decaying leaves plastered to my driveway here in Seattle, I think it’s safe to say they missed that deadline. Oh well, I guess late is better than never.

HBO Now subscribers have had access to an Android TV app since the beginning of the month, so it’s nice to see the far more popular HBO GO app finally catch up. Paying HBO GO customers, or those of you who have stolen your parent’s/sibling’s/ex-girlfriend’s password, can download the app now and watch Game of Thrones to your heart’s content on any Android TV. The widget to download the app is below, or you can grab the APK here.

Comcast Customers Robbed Again

It appears that Comcast subscribers are, once again, being excluded. I just tried to sign in the app myself, and found that Comcast is noticeably absent from the list of cable providers. This isn’t going to help your already terrible reputation guys.

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