[Warning: Deal Alert Lurking In The Night] Michael Jackson’s Timeless Album ‘Thriller’ Free On Google Play Music (Probably US Only. Sorry)

It’s close to midnight and a good deal is lurking in the dark.

Under the moonlight you see a price that nearly stops your heart.

You try to scream, but then decide typing is a better way to share it.

You start to freeze as the horror of missing this bargain looks you right between the eyes.

You’re paralyzed!


‘Cause this deal is a killer, thriller delight.

And no one is going to save you more than Android Police, the site you like.

You know it’s a free killer, thriller tonight.

You don’t have to fight for a great price with this killer, thriller tonight.


OK, that’s enough of that silliness. In case you somehow forgot to read the headline, Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ is currently free on Google Play Music. You should probably ‘buy’ it since it chalked full of classic, iconic pop hits, and it’s free. Here’s the full playlist.


This just may be the best album Google has ever gifted. It certainly has more songs that I recognize by title than any other album they have ever given away. Follow the link below to grab a copy while it is still free. When you’ve done that, beat it, there are scary things lurking in the night.

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