Yahoo Mail For Android’s 5.0 Beta Comes With A Bedazzling Material Makeover

Many of us would be surprised just how many people still sign into Yahoo accounts. The tech giant may not compete at the same level of a certain other search engine, but millions of people continue to store their mail on its servers. A number of them will soon sign into the Android app and come across an updated interface. And it’s a pretty one, so to speak.

Yahoo hasn’t approached its material makeover the way most apps have. Yes, there’s a new icon, and there’s a floating action button. Sure, the side menu slides out on top of the action bar. But those colors. Man, those colors. Instead of a solid tone, Yahoo has opted for a gradient that fades from dark to light purple. It’s in the action bar. It’s on the FAB. It’s in the side menu. It’s in the settings. The app doesn’t actually sparkle, but in my mind it does.

Yahoo1 Yahoo2 Screenshot_2015-10-01-16-45-52

You would think Yahoo Mail’s sole purpose is to handle your email, but you would be mistaken. This app is also a way to consume Yahoo News headlines. The newspaper icon in the action bar will send you to the part of the app, and yes, the gradient is there too. When I tapped on a story, the text was too small to read, and zooming in does not work.

Yahoo3 Screenshot_2015-10-01-16-48-19

Fortunately this is a beta, so Yahoo has time to fix things. Maybe it will also dial things back before things go stable. But considering how Yahoo Mail looked the last time it spiced things up, don’t be too sure. If you rather not wait, you can download the beta for yourself from APK Mirror (sorry, Yahoo requested that we remove the download).


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