Not everybody is into live streaming gameplay, but for those that are, and particularly those that play a lot of games on Android, this week’s update for YouTube Gaming was a pretty big deal. It brought much-needed support for recording and live broadcasting your screen directly to YouTube. While the update is significant for the features we now have, it also happens to include some signs for a few more things we can expect in the future. We can see a few of YouTube’s newer features are going to hop over to the gaming side, including background playback, offline playback, and even Cardboard support. There are even a couple of great jokes meant just for teardown readers.
Background Offline Playback
Few features have taken longer to go from teardown to reality than YouTube’s background and offline playback. Fortunately, it looks like YouTube Gaming won’t keep us waiting quite as long. While these features are still missing, most of the strings and settings have flooded over from the main YouTube app, suggesting we can probably expect to see them sometime in the next couple of releases.
string name=”background_and_offline_settings”Background amp; Offline/string
header android:title=”@string/background_and_offline_settings” android:fragment=”” /
Most of the text matches up pretty well with YouTube, so there’s no reason to assume there will be any differences in function or new features to speak of. Nevertheless, there are surely a few people looking forward to these options. I have my doubts that background playback will get much use, given the nature of the content, but offline storage for gameplay videos might be pretty great for the right situations.
string-array name=”background_audio_policy_entries“
string-array name=”background_audio_policy_values“
/string-arraystring name=”background_and_offline_settings”Background amp; Offline/string
string name=”background_audio_policy_off”Off/string
string name=”background_audio_policy_on”Always on/string
string name=”background_audio_policy_on_if_hh”Headphones or external speakers/string
string name=”background_audio_policy_value_off”off/string
string name=”background_audio_policy_value_on”on/string
string name=”background_audio_policy_value_on_if_hh”on_if_hh/string
string name=”background_play_is_on”Background play is on/string
string name=”background_play_settings”Background amp; Offline Settings/string
string name=”background_play_tap_to_configure”Tap to configure/stringstring name=”add_to_offline_done”Video saved/string
string name=”add_to_offline_not_enough_space”Not enough space to save video/string
string name=”add_to_offline_start”Saving video…/string
string name=”add_to_offline_waiting_for_wifi”Waiting for Wi-Fi to save. Visit Settings to reset./string
string name=”add_to_watch_later_done”Added to Watch Later/string
string name=”add_video_to”Add video to/string
string name=”add_video_to_offline”Save video offline/string
string name=”add_video_to_offline_error”“Video wasn’t saved”/string
string name=”cannot_watch_offline”This video can’t be watched offline/string
string name=”menu_offline_videos”Offline videos/string
string name=”offline_adding_progress”Saving… g id=”progress”%1$d/g%%/string
string name=”offline_button_disabled”Offline Button Disabled/string
string name=”offline_button_enabled”Offline Button Enabled/string
string name=”offline_choose_quality”Please select a valid quality/string
string name=”offline_details_tab”DETAILS/string
string name=”offline_dialog_message_expired”“It’s been a while since you’ve signed in, and your saved videos have expired. Want to restore all of your saved videos?”/string
string name=”offline_dialog_title_expired”Saved videos expired/string
string name=”offline_dialog_title_unavailable”Offline unavailable/string
string name=”offline_fragment_title”Offline/string
string name=”offline_icon_cd”Offline/string
string name=”offline_paused”Paused… g id=”progress”%1$d/g%%/string
string name=”offline_playlist_progress_label”g id=”downloaded_count”%1$d/g/g id=”total_count”%2$d/g/string
string name=”offline_quality_option”g id=”offline_quality”%1$s/g/string
string name=”offline_quality_option_with_size”g id=”offline_quality”%1$s/g – g id=”offline_size”%2$s/g/string
string name=”offline_remember_stream_setting”Remember my settings/string
string name=”offline_stream_pending”Waiting for sync/string
string name=”offline_video_deleted”Removed/string
string name=”offline_video_quality_always_ask”Ask each time/string
string name=”offline_videos_title”Saved videos/string
string name=”offline_waiting”Waiting… g id=”progress”%1$d/g%%/string
string name=”offline_waiting_for_network”Waiting for network…/string
string name=”offline_waiting_for_wifi”Waiting for Wi-Fi…/string
string name=”pause_offline”Pause/string
string name=”pref_offline_category”Save offline/string
string name=”pref_offline_help_summary”Find answers to your questions about saved content/string
string name=”pref_offline_help_title”Offline help/string
string name=”pref_offline_insert_sd_card_summary”Insert an SD card to enable selection of location to save content/string
string name=”pref_offline_insert_sd_card_title”Insert an SD card/string
string name=”pref_offline_network_policy_title”Add over Wi-Fi only/string
string name=”pref_offline_quality_title”Video quality/string
string name=”pref_offline_storage_free”g id=”storage_free”%1$s/g free/string
string name=”pref_offline_storage_title_primary”Internal storage/string
string name=”pref_offline_storage_title_sdcard”SD card/string
string name=”pref_offline_storage_used”g id=”storage_used”%1$s/g used/string
string name=”pref_offline_use_sd_card_summary”Save videos to the SD card/string
string name=”pref_offline_use_sd_card_title”Use SD card/string
string name=”remove_offline”Remove/string
string name=”remove_offline_confirmed_button”Remove/string
string name=”remove_offline_video_message”“This video won’t be available to watch offline.”/string
string name=”remove_offline_video_title”Remove from saved videos?/string
string name=”resume_offline”Resume/string
string name=”retry_offline”Retry/string
string name=”retry_offline_video”Retry saving offline?/string
string name=”watch_offline”Watch Offline/string
It’s worth noting that there were already a small set of strings for offline playback, but there weren’t any entries for settings, and the sheer number of related strings in this release makes them significant.
Cardboard Support
Another YouTube feature making its way over to its Gaming offshoot is support for Google’s virtual reality(-ish) Cardboard viewer. Added back in June, Cardboard support worked with 360-degree videos to add a bit more depth to the experience. It also served to give another little nudge to the Cardboard platform. Now it’s going to make the hop to game-specific content… wait, what?
I don’t know about anybody else, but I’ve never seen a 360-degree video of a game. It’s completely plausible Google is just cloning features over to the YouTube Gaming app for the sake of completeness, but it’s not hard to jump to capturing 360-degree video from within games. Imagine watching a replay of a first-person shooter and getting the opportunity to watch one player sneak up behind another for a kill. Any bets Unity is already working to add this to the SDK?
string name=”vr_auto_quality_tooltip”Quality: Auto (g id=”value”%1$s/g)/string
string name=”vr_buffering_percent” formatted=”false”Buffering g id=”value”%1$d/gg example=”%” id=”percent_symbol”%%/g/string
string name=”vr_click_to_recenter”Click to recenter/string
string name=”vr_highest_quality_tooltip”Quality: Highest (g id=”value”%1$s/g)/string
string name=”vr_overflow_text”Cardboard/string
string name=”vr_welcome_accessibility_cardboard_with_phone”Cardboard with phone/string
string name=”vr_welcome_continue”Continue/string
string name=”vr_welcome_dont_have_viewer”“Don’t have a viewer?”/string
string name=”vr_welcome_experience_vr”Experience YouTube in VR/string
string name=”vr_welcome_get_cardboard_link”a href=”″Get Cardboard/a/string
string name=”vr_welcome_watch_videos”Place your phone in a Google Cardboard viewer. Select HQ for high resolution playback./string
A Couple Of Good Laughs
Google is known for being a fun company and it’s not uncommon for Easter eggs and jokes to pop up in the web and Android apps on a regular basis. Some developers behind YouTube Gaming decided to include a couple of good jokes for us to smile about.
Missing Feature Message
Most of today’s games never really end when you die, they just restart at the last checkpoint. Back in the early days, death meant you had to learn from your mistakes and go back to the beginning. For the serious gamers, we know the feeling of the Game Over screen, and now it might be the message we see if we’re trying to do something the app doesn’t support.
string name=”missing_feature_message”Game over. Thanks for playing./string
I don’t see any real signs that the string is used anywhere in the app, so it’s probably just a joke for us right now. Maybe it will make an appearance someday.
A Rare Pre-Order Opportunity
Battletoads!!! If you’re too young to have played as Zitz, Rash, and Pimple, you missed out! Don’t worry, Google is launching a pre-order for the brand new reboot!
string name=”battletoads_pre_order“PRE-ORDER/string
Yeah, I’m f’ing with you. The string is real, but the game probably isn’t. This is really just a reference to a prank from 2007. People started calling Gamestop stores asking to pre-order the new Battletoads to get a rumor started that a new one was on the way.
The rumor was a joke back then because nobody actually expected it to happen. The possibility of a reboot were recently revived when Microsoft renewed the Battletoads trademark it had acquired in the purchase of Rare. While there isn’t a game in the works right now, there might be some hope in the future. It’s been 21 years since the last Battletoads game, bit we’d all love to see Zitz beat the crap out of a bunch of baddies in 1080p!
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