Google Posts Android 6.0 Factory Images For The Nexus 6P

Some lucky early buyers are getting their Nexus 6P shipments today, and Google is ready to go with the official factory images. There are two builds available, and as with the Nexus 5X builds last week, we’re not sure what exactly makes them different. Still, if you break something, you can get back to stock now.

Google lists builds MDA89D and MDB08K. Our review unit is running MDB08H, which isn’t listed at all. That one will probably get an OTA to one of the two new builds at some point, much like the Nexus 5X did. It’s possible one or the other is a build specifically for Project Fi devices while the other is more general. Either one should work, though.

Remember, you need to have an unlocked bootloader to flash a factory image. That means erasing everything on your device.

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